Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fundraising Update

As of 5:30pm today I have received 2,917 dollars towards my medical mission. The total cost of my trip is 5,500 dollars. I have to raise another 2,583 dollars to meet my goal.

My daily fundraising goal is 123 dollars per day for the next 21 days. This will bring me right to my goal the day I leave for Africa.

A BIG thank you goes out to my generous donors:
*Donor List Updated 06/09 5:50pm

Mimi Brugman
George and Carol Reichelm
Ron Ackman
Ernie and Barbra Lowe
John & Christine Donnelly
Phil & Nan Gineo
Riley’s Hope for Africa
KT and Paul DaSilva 
Kathy and Matt Gineo
Mark Wittlin
Andrew & Rebecca Bales
Adam Walsh
Emily Anderson
Nancy & Tony Dorsey
Matthew Dowd
Tina and John Davis
Rosette Regan
James Lindenburg
Trish and Jay Redyhough
Donald Jones
Felicia Dorsey
Madeline & James Nugent
Srikumar Rao
Jennifer & Larry Pierce
Dave Frenz
Jo and Mark Blythe 
Andy Lindh 
Meredith & Mike LeBlanc
George & Betsey Oestreich
John Dorrow
Mary and Dan Hartnett
Shawn Kiniry

Without the generous support of family and friends this medical mission wouldn't be possible. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated or passed on my information to others! No donation is too small! 

Donations may be made by check to 28 Hillside Ave, Newport, RI 02840, payable to Lauren M. Gineo and in the memo portion:“Medical Mission.”  You can also make a donation via pay pal at the top right of this page. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you here on my blog.

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